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Tracing Perreca's 109-year-old tomato pie history with ow...
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20 things you don’t know about me: Maria Papa
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Photo essay: Inside Perecca's Bakery
June 16 2023
Owner Tony Papa pulls out loaves of baked bread from the brick oven on Friday, March 29, 2013, at Perreca's Bakery in Schenectady, N.Y. (Cindy Schultz / Times Union) Owner Maria Perreca Papa, left, jokes with customer and family friend Vincent Vardine Jr. of Schenectady on Saturday, March 30, 2013, at Perreca's Bakery in Schenectady, N.Y. (Cindy Schultz / Times...
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Jack Nicholson Can’t Get Enough of This Italian-American Bakery’s Bread
June 15 2023
Perreca’s Bakery in Schenectady, New York, made The Daily Meal’s list of the 101 Best Pizzas in America for 2020, but the long-standing Italian-American bakery has another claim to fame: It’s reportedly a favorite of actor Jack Nicholson. Perreca’s, which has an adjacent restaurant called More Perreca’s Italian Kitchen, came in at No. 70 on the Daily Meal list, which noted that...
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